Welcome to another episode of Dark Renaissance Radio. Today we present to you, dear audience, the one and only, Walt Bismark. Walt is the founder of Walt Right Perspectives, a growing Substack publication dedicated to stimulating cultural exchange on the right. Owen and I both independently came across Walt through his article Don’t Be Mean to Slutty Women. Soon after I was on Walt's podcast discussing sex, reproduction and transhumanism - and it was a great time!
In this episode, Walt continues to delight and surprise with his big brained takes and unbounded energy. If you like what we’re up to, don’t forget to like and subscribe.
In our longest episode yet (3 hours!) we discuss:
the emergence of a new scene on the right
the importance of subcultural exchange
openness personality trait, and personality distributions on Substack
does high openness still belong to the left?
Walt’s existential motivations
how discoursing with art hoes sanitizes stemcel behavior - and why thats a good thing
high time preference and living in an unstable ecology
Walt’s unique position as a go-between across different sub cultures that normally can’t get along
living in the Age of Aquarius
establishing male hierarchies and the importance of men’s work
the tendency for movements to splinter based on small disagreements
creating a family dynasty
mating strategies and their pitfalls
class asymmetry in mate selection
“the hamburger approach”
how to create an incentive structure that changes mindsets in more prosocial directions
Raven talks about her appreciation of men
Raven’s family background
Hippie girls are like the female version of libertarian bitcoin bros
how to reach younger men without longhousing them
the break down in mentorship between millennial men and gen z
redpill ideology leading to resentment between the sexes
should guys internalize the identity “incel”?
the necessity for young men to find asymmetrical strategies for getting $$$ and p*ssy
delayed development in young people
cheating faceless corporations
creating good content as a young guy
how substack incentivizes good behavior
does Walt want to create an irl community?
the temptation to start a cult
the role of wives in running in person events and salons
having an integrated animus as a man
why you want a masculine woman
Frontier Feminism and American feminine ideals
treating your girlfriend like your mom
marriage as a force multiplier
raising the ceiling vs raising the floor
Andrew Tate and his incel audience
fucking a woman intellectually
the body count discourse
experimental lifestyles
how the normies can’t absorb failure
why low status guys need simple heuristics for how to live
why forbidden knowledge should only be for the high openness people
the value of narcissism
the charisma of Richard Spencer
how to have an exoteric and esoteric language
leftists think people are fungible
being born today with a 105 IQ would be terrifying
the priestly and chiefly hierarchy
we don’t want to corrupt your suburbs
AI art
Jungian collective subconscious
conceptual artists vs craft artists
the internet is basically bathroom store graffiti
Chat GPT censorship
Owen’s desire to create a mystery school experience
why AI is great if you are an ideas guy
why Walt wants to write a take against writing
how to think meta-politically
art hoes and stemcels
beauty privilege atrophies social skills
lesbian relationships
relationships as dream worlds
what is happening in the BSDM and psychedelic scene
Here we start to get even more spicy, so we’ve put the last hour+ behind a paywall! Here’s a peak of what we get into…
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