Why gray though? Seems alien or boring. Why not a color? Or many colors?

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It’s a cultural reference to “the grey tribe”, a concept coined by Scott Alexander. As opposed to the “blue tribe” and “red tribe” constructs in US politics, Scott describes the grey tribe as centrist/ libertarian/ moderate, rationalist, and technocratic. The Grey Robes is an invitation to the grey tribe to advance their artistic, spiritual and cultural depth without renouncing their existing values.

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I see. Thanks for the info! I feel informed.

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weird shit. id rather suggest to read or listen to this: https://www.noemamag.com/chasing-utopia-startup-style/

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Don’t need to read this. I know all these people and have been involved with startup societies for a while.

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well have you read it? Its a critique of decentralisation myths.

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Criticize by creating.

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